Sunday 2 January 2022

The virtual world of the internet

I promised to give you a short tutorial about the world of the internet and how you can grow and build your internet worth to create a profitable virtual financial group of assets.

Imagine the internet is land and on that land you buy shops, maybe a business, a house and other assets.

This is called virtual real estate. 

Every  piece of real estate you buy in this virtual world is worth something and can increase in value as you build it, just like a property or piece of land.

EG. I buy a piece of land on the internet which is called a domain.

 On my land I'm going to build a house eg. a website and start a blog, another property.

I'm going to join several programs and get a piece of the pie and also I'm going to invest my assets in other programs as well to get a return.

Like  this I build my financial profits so my property on the Internet can increase in valu 

Therefore mydomain can have many different assets on it producing income.

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